
My artistic career began in Ibiza, where I attended painting lessons and completed the Bachelor of Arts. I got my diploma in paper restoration and bookbinding in Madrid. Finally, I got my degree in Fine Arts at the Complutense University of Madrid. During this period I participated in national and international group exhibitions .Back in Ibiza I participated in exhibitions and prepared  personal projects in relation to different associations. Currently I´m living in Scotlant working on future plans and proyects and motivated to start new creative paths.

My work is visual and plastic, I immerse myself into the subconscious and experiment on what is emerging. I create my work based on dream experiences. I want to produce though art, the sensation that dreams generate. My main goal is to create a mysterious, poetic atmosphere, a fantasy construction inviting the imagination and reflecting on the world of dreams, an unreal, changing reality, where you have to look twice to find more details, characters and new landscapes ... I've always been interested in the world of dreams because it's a unique and unlimited personal world, where the most hidden desires, memories, fears etc. emerge. It's a reflection of the hidden reality in the unconscious mind.

 exhibitions and awards
April 2014 - Exposición colectiva Galeria Romero en Soria.
January 2014 - Exposición colectiva  realizada en la Sala Trapezio de Madrid.
April 2013 - Exposición colectiva en la Galeria en Romero en Soria
April 2012 -  Exposición colectiva en la Galeria Romero en Soria.
Abril 2011-  Exposición Colectiva en la Galeria Romero Soria.
May2009- Seleccionada en el concurso de pintura rápida del Puig de Missa organizado por el Ayuntamiento de Santa Eulalia del Rio- Ibiza.
April2008 -  Segundo premio concurso” Imagina”  en el claustro del Ayuntamiento de Ibiza organizado por FAPA .
March-Aprill - 2008 Exposición colectiva de los alumnos del Atelier de pintura y dibujo de Orlando Herrera en el Café del Mar en San Antonio- Ibiza.
April 2006 - Primer premio en el concurso de ilustración para la revista Balafia.
June 2005 - Exposición colectiva en el Centro Cultural de Puig d'en -Valls Organizada por Pro- Arte.

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